Effects Of Gold Nanorods In Modern Technology

Gold Nanorods | Image Resource : cdn.phys.org
Now a day nanotechnology has become an integral part in Biochemistry. This technology is still developing by the scientists in laboratory. However, the researches of the major elements of this technology have been started to know its use in day-to-day life. Nano rod is such an element of Nano technology.
Dimension of Nano rod is normally 1-100 nanometers and the ratio of length and width is naturally 3:5. They are made from the chemical synthesis process. Among few types of Nano rods, Gold Nanorods play a very important part.
Nano rods which are made of gold are rod shaped nano particles having some exceptional optical properties. The ultrafast laser induced heating can provide its effect in these rods. Through this relaxation process, the properties of this gold metal particle could be resolute.
Applications of Gold Nanorods
The surface of nano rods made of this metal is very important thing before any application. The nano rods, created by gold, are commercially available in market with the coat of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide or CTAB.
There are different applications of these rods. They are frequently used in display technologies. It becomes possible for the reason of the reflectivity of these rods through their positioning with the functional electric field. Some of the other applications are in drug delivery, photothermal therapy and optical filters.
It is also applicable in biomedical science. It has power to destroy the cancerous tissues and tumor cells by generating heat. Therefore it has become an important name in medical science as the development of Nano technology.