Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes –A Boon to Mankind!

Carbon Nanotubes are tube-shaped material which has a miniscule diameter. These are indeed very small and can be measured on a nanometer scale. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. Just imagine how small this nanometer scale would be and it only shows how technology has indeed leaped in bounds.

Carbon Nanotubes were discovered in the year 1991 which was indeed very spectacular. One of the Nanotubes is the Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes. These are made with carbon atoms linked in hexagonal shapes. Here the carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms.

Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes are pliable!

You can bend, twist or flatten carbon Nanotubes with single wall without breaking them. The length of the carbon Nanotubes are long even though they have tiny diameters. These are used in multiple applications as they have unique mechanical and electronic properties.

A lot of research and experiments are going on in this field to improve and optimize their use in electronic fabrication. Carbon Nanotubes are strong and stiff. They can be single walled, double walled, multiwall and industrial grade multi walled. Whatever be the type they are a big boon to the Industry.

Research and experimenting continues to explore the electrical properties and the best way to use them in electronics. Some of the applications of single walled Nanotubes are in field-emission displays, nanocomposite materials, nanosensors and logic elements. There are plenty of manufacturers who make these Carbon Nanotubes with single wall.

The internet is the best medium to locate the manufacturers of single wall Nanotubes. With the click of your mouse you can find the names of people making this product across the globe. Search for the best deals that you can find and clinch your deal. Yes science has indeed progressed to a large extent!


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