Why Is An Electric Scooter Controller Used In An E-Scooter?

Electric Scooter Controller

Electric Scooter Controller

E-scooters receive a continuous power supply and they use an electric controller to control the speed. Electric controllers are an important part of the E-scooter. The electric controller is placed in a metallic rectangular protective sealed box inside the frame.

A controller links to the other parts in the E-scooter like the battery, motor, electronic brakes, throttle, speedometer, speed sensors and more. The electric scooter controller (ESC) is an electrical circuit that regulates the speed of the E-scooter. It regulates the supply of power from the battery to the motor. The riders can use the throttle to signal the battery to release or cut off power to the motor.

When you press the brakes the controller cuts off the supply from the battery to the motor and this causes the motor to stop functioning reducing the speed of the E-scooter. Electric controllers are important to control the speed of the E-scooters. Multiple protection functions are also fitted into the controller.

The main function of a controller is to facilitate the communication of the different components. It helps every component to function in harmony towards the goal. The controller plays an important part in starting the E-scooter. It provides the right amount of electricity required for the motor to power up the E-scooter.

How does an electric scooter controller work?

The controller takes input from the electric components like the battery, throttle, display speed sensors and more. It relays the necessary signals to them. If a rider hits the throttle then it sends a signal to the controller to increase the amount of current from the battery to the motor. More current means more speed.

Most of the controllers have an electric braking system. When a rider presses the electronic brakes the controller cuts off the supply of power to the motor. Some of them have a regenerative function and in this, the power is routed back to the battery from the motor whenever regen brakes are used.

Components of a controller

The eclectic controller consists of two types of components: the main chips and the peripheral components like sensors, resistors and more. An electric scooter controller also has various electronic circuits like power circuits, AD circuits, PWM generator circuits, over current and under voltage protection circuits, signal processing units and more.

The different components are governed by the software integrated into the circuit board. The function of the E-scooter completely depends on the microcontroller. The microcontroller or the processor receives the input from the component and analyses the signals using the software and determines the suitable output.

When a rider uses the throttle and requests to increase the motor rotations the microcontroller picks up the signal and interprets it. It stimulates the motor to run at a certain speed.


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