Components Of Wedding Invitation Wordings In Hindi

Wedding Invitation Wordings In Hindi

Wedding Invitation Wordings In Hindi

After all preparations are done and dusted, the wedding invitations are the first thing invited guest get to see. Wedding invitations wordings and design of the cards tend to give details of the tone (formal/casual) and colour themes of the wedding. These first impressions are important in designing wedding invitations in Hindi therefore should be carefully given attention to detail.

Essential Components Of Wedding Invitation Wordings In Hindi

Wedding invitation wordings often follow a systematic format which can be spiced up to fit the couples overall tone of the wedding. This is in no way different in a wedding invitation wordings in Hindi. Without further ado, let’s delve into the format;

1) The hosts- this names and titles of the host appear on the top of the card. More often than not it includes the name of the parents from both sides officially inviting guest to the union of their children.

2) The couples – the names of the bride and groom to follow. This indicates the meeting of two souls who are to be joined in union.

3) The main details of the weeding- this portion carries the most important part of the card. It can be bolded for emphasis but that depends on the personalisation of the card. It includes details of the location (specific address) date and time of the wedding. The dress code and other important particulars can be conveyed in this section if needed.

4) The reception and after ceremony plans can follow after the main details of the wedding. One also has an option to include religious verses or phrases together with the RSVP at the bottom. Religious verses are common in wedding invitations in Hindi.

The card design aids to relay the above information in an appealing and thoughtful gesture to your guest to attend and celebrate with you.


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